Oil Fluid Management System is a computer application intended for managing the machine lubrication.
It enables to plan, monitor, evaluate and analyse activities concerning the trouble-free operation of machines and other devices in a production company. Based on the company’s calendar, the list of centres, lubricants, machines and their lubrication rules, the program can plan the lubrication tasks precisely for every machine that requires it on the basis of its utilised capacity.
Planing and managing the machine lubrication is the core of every effective maintenance plan. For that reason Yamatec developed the Oil Fluid Management System helping to automatically create precise lubrication plans for your machines.
It’s basic part is a sofware generating user-oriented plans of lubrication tasks that contain all information necessary for proper machine maintenance. The Oil will secure that you will always use the correct lubricant, in the correct point and in the correct time and thereby reduce the maintenance costs and minimise unplanned production interruptions. When using the Oil program you can rely on the support of the Yamatec software specialists.