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Oil Fluid Management Solution consists of the following parts.

1. Yamatec Oil Application installed on your Windows computer. It’s a tool for planning and evaluating the machine lubrication in your company. It’s the fundamental and obligatory part of the whole solution.

2. Yamatec PocketOil Application installed in the barcode scanner with Windows CE 5.0 or 6.0 operating system. It’s a tool for data collection about the executed lubrication activities. It’s an optional part of the solution.

3. Webstorage Service is an Yamatec Oil service for data backup via internet to safe Yamatec servers. It`s a service that improves the Yamatec Oil  data safety. It`s an optional part of the solution. 


Yamatec Oil

The fundamental part of the Oil Fluid Management Solution is the Yamatec Oil program. It is a standard application for the Windows operating system installed on a computer.          After the basic data are correctly filled in, the program is able to generate daily lubrication plans for individual machines.
      To use the Oil program, no other software or hardware is required, such as e.g. dedicated SQL or an application server.
It contains the basic data that are necessary for planning and evaluation of lubrication tasks. There is the company´s working calendar, the company’s organisational structure, the list of authorised users, used lubricants, machines and of their lubrication rules here. Furthermore, it contains a warehousing module and a module for monitoring laboratory tests of lubricants. The user knows this way exactly the scheduled lubrication tasks for each machine and each day. After their completion, the program is able to provide print reports summarising the lubricant consumption for a selected period of time according to departments or machines. Its utilisation does not give raise to other financial costs. As it is an independently running application, you do not need support of an internal or external IT partner for its operation.


Yamatec PocketOil

An optional part of the Oil Fluid Management Solution is the Yamatec PocketOil program.  It is an application for Windows CE operating system installed in a barcode scanner.         In addition to lubrication data collection, the barcode scanner with installed PocketOil program can collect also other kinds of data when managing the machine lubrication.
      The collected data are loaded from the barcode scanner in the computer in a very simple way. Just connect it via a USB cable to the computer and the Oil program makes the rest.
By means of the barcode scanner, the user can collect the lubrication data during the lubrication in a quick and easy manner by reading the barcode of the machine lubrication point and entering the consumed lubricant quantity. You can collect data on quantities of waste lubricants collected from machines or measured lubricant values (concentration, pH, conductivity, temperature) by means of the barcode scanner. The communication with the barcode reader is very user-friendly. Everything is automatic to the maximum degree from the first installation of the PocketOil program in the reader and loading the basic data in the reader to regular data loading from the reader.  The operation places no special demands.



Webstorage service

An optional part of the Oil Fluid Management Solution is the Webstorage service. It serves the backup of the YamatecOil program data to Yamatec servers.         The data backup to Webstorage servers is not obligatory. The user decides whether he wants to use it or not.        
The encrypted data are sent via internet to an online storage place in regular intervals defined by the user. It increases the safety of data that are backed up at a place independent from the user’s IT infrastructure. The Oil program can back up the data also in a standard way to local backup media, of course, e.g. an external drive or a network drive.  

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